Can You Experience Complicated Grief After A Divorce?
Experiencing grief after any type of life change or loss is entirely normal. Life changes can be hard to adapt to.
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Experiencing grief after any type of life change or loss is entirely normal. Life changes can be hard to adapt to.
When you grow up, you learn that there are certain things that are considered essentials in life in order to be successful.
You’ve been told that you’re sensitive more times than you can count. People act like it’s a bad thing. You can’t help the fact that you’re not that great under pressure, have increased sensitivity to pain, or that you react in a strong way when under criticism.
Staying or leaving a relationship isn’t an easy decision to make. But if it’s something you’re wondering, something you’re seriously considering, that’s okay.
Feeling anxious about starting a new job is completely normal. Don’t be so hard on yourself for experiencing a normal human emotion! Allow yourself to experience all of the emotions you’re feeling.
Any trauma that is passed down between different generations within a family is known as inherited family trauma. I